Invest In Our Cause
None of this would be possible without the support of the local community. All donations go directly into our funding areas.
You may donate to the Foundation by mailing your check to the Foundation for Sanger Unified Schools, to: 1905 7th Street, Sanger, CA 93657
Contributions to the Foundation are exempt from federal income tax under section 170c of the Internal Revenue Code. Tax ID Number 20-4712286.
How does the Foundation raise money?
The Foundation conducts annual community-based campaigns to support the educational programs of the Sanger Unified School District.
The Foundation also seeks partnerships with area businesses, civic groups, and other charitable foundations willing to support our programs and mission.The Foundation also actively works with District staff and individuals within the community to make contributions as well.
Any individual or business wanting to learn more on how to donate, or about the Foundation can contact our Foundation Coordinator, Cary Catalano at (559) 355-0751.
How your contribution helps
60% of all donations go into our Program Fund which allocates resources to the following program areas: student scholarships, classroom, and school-site grants, art and music efforts, agricultural training and enhancement, and interdepartmental programmatic support that leads to student learning enhancement.
30% of all donations go into our Investment Fund to help ensure we have adequate resources available for current and future programs.
10% of all donations go into our Immediate Need Fund to help students, families or other special needs that might come up during an academic year. This fund is used at the discretion of the District Superintendent.