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Previously Held Fundraising Event

7th Annual Foundation for Sanger Schools Golf Tournament 2024

Enjoy a day of golf at Ridge Creek Dinuba Golf Course. Players will enjoy a round of golf, golf cart, bucket of balls, goodie bag, breakfast burritos, & burger bar lunch. Money raised from this event will support senior scholarships & classroom grants.

For more information and to register, please visit or download the sponsorship and registration form here.

2024 Senior Scholarship Award Recipients

The Foundation for Sanger Schools distributed a whopping $33,500 in Senior Scholarships in 2024 to 14 graduating seniors. Funding for this program was made possible with the support of individual donors and various businesses in our community.

Aaron’s GPA of 4 lands him first in his class at Hallmark Academy. His goal is to double major
in economics and psychology with the hope of attending University of California, Los Angeles.
He has applied to eight colleges, has been accepted at California State University, Northridge,
and is awaiting responses from the seven other locations. Aaron was awarded the
Foundation’s $4,500 student scholarship.

The list of Aaron’s extra and co-curricular activities is impressive. Some of his activities include
participation in the Fresno City Jazz Ensemble, Sanger High Boys Tennis, Hallmark Academy
Student Leadership, Youth Civic Leadership Group, and an Intro to Investments class through
University of California, Los Angeles. Some of the honors Aaron has amassed during his
academic high school career include a Certificate of Achievement in an Intersegmental General
Education Transfer Curriculum through Fresno City College, a Certificate of Achievement in
Jazz Performance through Fresno City College, the California State Seal of Civic Engagement,
and the (undefeated) 2021 CMAC Player of the Year.

The love Aaron has for mathematics began in fifth grade when he opened an investment account
after discovering the power of compound interest. His studies have taken him deeper into the
world of finance where he yearns to understand the “how” and “why” behind a person’s financial
decisions. Beyond his busy academic career, Aaron still finds time to volunteer at Every
Neighborhood Partnership each Saturday morning with children from underserved communities.
In sharing what this scholarship would mean, Aaron expressed, “As a future financial planner, I
deeply understand the long-term impact of that gift and commit to paying it forward through my
work, positively influencing financial decision-making, and fostering generosity within my

As the first in her class at Sanger High School, Isabella’s GPA is an impressive 4.525. She aims
to major in psychological and brain sciences at her selected university. She plans on attending
University of California, Irvine, but has applied to a total of six universities within California.
Isabella was awarded the Foundation’s $4,500 student scholarship.
Throughout her high school career, Isabella spent all four years working in the Future Farmers of
America program, volunteering at Bridge Church as a youth advisor, and studying through the

Wonderful Agriculture Mechanics Pathway. Some of Isabella’s additional activities include
HOPE Sanger Club, Interact Club, and showing market livestock. Isabella has received the Block
“S” Award and California Scholarship Federation Award each year of her career. She has been
recognized as a Scholar Athlete and has received Future Farmers of America Chapter and State

Most of Isabella’s weekends are spent volunteering in her community where she strives to make
impacts in different ways. At HOPE Sanger, she actively helps with various events, including the
popular back-to-school shoe drive where she assists parents and students in selecting much-
needed shoes. Other past events include the Thanksgiving food drive, Christmas Blessings, and
Dia de Los Niños. She has taken on an additional duty in helping serve food to unhoused
individuals one Saturday each month.

“The positive outlook I have gained shifted my mindset from focusing on all the aspects of my
life that are incomplete, to appreciating all the goodness that surrounds me,” says Isabella.
“Surrounding myself with positivity and helpfulness has shaped me into becoming a better

Alyssa’s GPA is 4.5 at Sanger High School and her planned major is communications and film
media. Although she dreams of attending the University of California, Santa Barbara, she has
applied to nine universities. Alyssa was awarded the Foundation’s $3,000 student

The four years of Alyssa’s high school career were filled with extra activities. She took part in
Interact Club, the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, Student Government Interact Club, and
Future Farmers of America. Alyssa was recognized as an Academic Scholar in 2024, she won
first place in California and fifth place nationally for her agriscience project, and she was given
the Student Athlete Award all four years for her participation on the Sanger High Girls
Volleyball team.

In her time volunteering at the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, Alyssa raised $7,000 through a
fundraising campaign. Those funds directly supported financial assistance for people diagnosed
with leukemia or lymphoma. Alyssa found strength in advocacy after she was elected by the
mayor to serve on the Sanger City Commission to Advance the Status of Women and Girls. This
advisory group supports women and girls in employment, education, housing, and more.
Although Alyssa faced many personal battles at home, she persevered through high school, and
learned the importance of taking each day one step at a time. “I believe the experiences in life
make us who we are today,” Alyssa shares, “and it is up to us to make the choices that define us
in the long run.”

Hoonur has maintained a GPA of 4.29 and is seventh in her class. She plans to study English
literature and theater after graduating from Sanger West High School. She has applied to a
whopping thirteen educational institutions and has been accepted into two with the other
responses still pending. She is hoping to attend one of the University of California campuses to
which she applied. Hoonur was awarded the Foundation’s $3,000 student scholarship.
A varied list of co-curricular activities rounds out Hoonur’s four years in high school. She has
participated in Health Youth Corps, Sikh Honors and Service Society, and Jakara Movement.
Hoonur volunteers weekly at the Sikh Institute of Fresno and co-founded the HoneyComb
Pantry. She received recognition at the 2023 Youth Civic Service Showcase and a nomination
for Best Film at the Slick Rock Student Film Festival. She won Hornet of the Month and the
Block “S” Award.

Hoonur holds a great love and respect for her cultural heritage and seeks to ensure that there is
always a safe space for Sikh communities. She started the Sikh Honors and Service Society
chapter at her school and saw it grow from three people to an entire classroom filled with
students. She dedicates three hours each week to teaching younger students how to read and
write in Gurmukhi and Punjabi at the Sikh Institute of Fresno.
“Whenever a Sikh or non-Sikh student has any questions about upcoming Sikh holidays or
celebrations,” says Hoonur, “my name is the one people keep in their mouths for referral.”

Morgan’s GPA is 4.354 at Sanger High School and she plans to study nursing. She applied to
eight universities and hopes to attend either California State University, San Diego or California
State University, Long Beach. Morgan was awarded the Foundation’s $3,000 student

Volunteering at Valley Children’s Hospital is one of the many ways she has spent her free time.
Morgan also participated in Interact Club and Future Farmers of America. She dedicated time to
playing volleyball and serving in the student government body. Morgan has received the Block
“S” Award and has been recognized for the Academic Scholar and Scholar Athlete awards.
Morgan recently received her official badge that marks her as a volunteer on the Valley
Children’s Patient Pals team. She has the honor of spending time with patients as she escorts
them to and from playrooms where she enjoys interacting with them and their families. This
experience has solidified her passion for working directly with patients in the medical field.
Morgan enjoys offering her time and services to others as she learns new skills.

“Throughout all of my endeavors in serving my community and the people in it,” Morgan shares,
“I have come to the realization that the immense joy that it brings not only benefits the lives of
others, but also enriches my personal values and life.”

Jessica’s GPA is 4.337 at Sanger West High School and she anticipates obtaining a degree in
molecular and cellular biology. Jessica plans to begin her studies at Fresno City College this
summer and then transfer to a university of her choosing. She has applied to twelve various
institutes and is awaiting responses from nine. Jessica was awarded the Foundation’s $3,000
student scholarship.

Jessica has participated in the California Scholarship Federation for four years, SkillsUSA for
two years, STEM Honors Society for two years, Academic Decathlon for two years, and Health
Youth Corps for two years. Her efforts have earned her multiple honors, including first place in
2023 for Basic Health Care Skills and third place in 2022. She landed an honorable mention in
2024’s Sanger District Science Fair. Jessica earned the Block “S” Award for years 2021 through

Science is the subject Jessica has always loved most. She wanted to delve deeper into scientific
studies from a young age but found obstacles blocking her progress—money was hard to come
by. Jessica’s family found ways to support her passion and it was through their support that she
came to discover the STEM Honors Society Club. This experience is where Jessica volunteered
with elementary school children to introduce them to STEM education in a workshop setting.
“Looking back on this volunteering experience, along with the experiences that my parents gave
me, I see that they have been more than just an academic endeavor,” Jessica shares. “They have
also been a force that has changed me and molded who I am.”

Rachel is a student at Sanger High School and holds a GPA of 4.302. She plans to study business
administration at California State University, Fresno, but she has also applied to Cal Poly Tech.
Rachel was awarded the Foundation’s $2,500 student scholarship.

Rachel is active in sports and plays on the tennis and lacrosse teams at Sanger High School. She
is a member of both the Future Farmers of America Floral Team and the Blossom Trail 4-H
Club. In her four years, she has won an extensive list of honors and awards. Rachel earned first
place for Intermediate Showman in 2019 for her extensive knowledge of dairy goats, again in
2021 as a Senior 4-H Showman, a third time in 2022 as an Advanced FFA Showman, and once
more in 2024 as a Senior Showman. She received the French Student of Distinction Award in
2021 and 2022, a Principles of Floral Design Certification in 2021, and she received a
membership to the French Honor Society in 2023.

Despite Rachel’s numerous and impressive honors, she found time for an internship at Kings
River Packing where she learned how CPAs manage finances for major companies. She watched
how income and expenses are tracked on forms, studied how online money management
platforms run, and tracked shipment containers through the duration of their journey. Rachel’s
love of numbers has helped her manage the Blossom Trail 4-H Club’s $15,000 annual budget.
“How do dairy goats lead to accounting?” Rachel reflects as she shares her interests. “It all boils
down to the 4-H record book.”

Atianna is third in her class with a GPA of 4.458 at Sanger High School. She will be studying
neuroscience at one of the eleven universities where she has applied, which include Stanford,
Harvard, and Dartmouth. Atianna has been accepted at three universities and is waiting to hear
back from her other choices before she decides. Atianna was awarded the Foundation’s
$2,500 student scholarship.

Between studying in high school and playing sports, her free time was filled by volunteering at
HOPE Sanger and the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Atianna has been a member of the
California Scholarship Federation and 4-H Club for four years. Her academic honors include
Scholar Athlete, Academic Champion, and Academic Scholar. She is also a valedictorian. She
has won numerous athletic honors including 2021’s Most Improved Athlete, and 2022 and
2023’s Outstanding Field Performer.

Participating in Hi-Y Club and 4-H Club are two things Atianna credits for improving her
leadership skills. These clubs empowered her to embrace herself and discover new ways to make
a difference for other people. She learned how to strengthen her verbal advocacy efforts, both for
others and herself.

Atianna believes it was during her time in Interact Club that she learned how to change her
community. She shares, “I am extremely glad I took all of these opportunities to not only help
my community and make it better but to also work on myself as an individual.”

Diego’s GPA is 3.905 at Sanger West High School. He plans to pursue a degree in political
science. Diego has applied to ten universities, including Harvard, Stanford, and Yale, but
remains undecided on which one he will choose. Diego was awarded the Foundation’s $2,500
student scholarship.

His list of extra and co-curricular activities includes volunteering at Youth Leadership Institute,
the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, and NAMI. He is an active member of Interact Club and
serves as the president for Student Activities (ASB). Diego has been awarded the Student
Visionary of the Year.

Diego first intends to study political science and then expand his knowledge into international
relations before finally adding law. His true passion is found within public service and his vision
for a better future calls him to pursue these dreams. Diego enjoys mentoring middle school
students through the Youth Leadership Institute. He finds selfless satisfaction in fundraising for
the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society where he and his project partner raised over $10,000 for the
organization’s programs.

“It is the unfortunate truth that many seniors do not know their path,” says Diego. “I, however,
claim to be very blessed for figuring this out early on.”

Graham holds a GPA of 4.362 at Sanger West High School where he is sixth in his class. He
would like to pursue a business degree at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. He has already been
accepted at Cal Poly Pomona, Cal Poly Humboldt, and California State University, Long Beach.
Graham was awarded the Foundation’s $1,000 student scholarship.

Graham has been a member of the Robotics Team, Green Team, CSF Club, and golf team. He
received honors as an Academic Scholar and Student of the Month. He received the Block “S”

It was through community service on the Green Team that Graham found a sense of purpose. In
this group, seniors work together for two hours on Saturday mornings to improve the
community. Graham directly experienced the positive way he could impact others through the
simple act of cleaning trash. It was in this instance, where a kind stranger in a Jeep purchased
donuts for the entire group by way of showing gratitude for their service, that Graham witnessed
the simplest act of kindness.

“I want the people around me and the community that I am in to flourish and to be as strong as
the bond between the man in the Jeep and his community,” shares Graham.

Ethan attends Sanger High School where his GPA stands at 3.8. He would like to study
engineering at California State University, Fresno. He has also applied to Utah Valley
University. Ethan was awarded the Foundation’s $1,000 student scholarship.

Ethan’s extra activities during his high school career consisted of participating in Future Farmers
of America, the Wonderful Agriculture Mechanics Pathway, and the Department of
Rehabilitation. He has received the Block “S” Award and a Green Hand Degree from Future
Farmers of America.

It is through volunteering at his church that Ethan believes he has made the largest impact. He
regularly cares for the church by keeping the main building clean to ensure it remains a
comfortable place to worship. Ethan helps each summer by picking grapes from a vineyard.
These grapes are dried to become raisins and are then sent around the world to help feed people
without food. He spends additional time serving on the church council where activities are
planned for the children.

Ethan is excited when speaking of the three-day camping trip planned and executed by the
council. In thinking of the ten children he oversaw, he shares, “I know I was a big influence in
their growth.”

Jorge holds a GPA of 4.16 at Sanger High School. He plans to study electrical engineering at one
of the many universities where he applied. Jorge remains undecided on where he would like to
begin his studies, but he has applied to ten locations and is waiting for a response from seven.
Stanford, Davis, and University of California, Los Angeles are three of the universities where his
acceptance is pending. Jorge was awarded the Foundation’s $1,000 student scholarship.
Jorge has served as the treasurer for the French Club over the last year and acted as the president
of the Tutoring Club for one year. He has participated in CSF Club and volunteers at Lincoln
Elementary School. Jorge has received the Block “S” Award and was recognized as an
Academic Scholar. He received the additional honors of College Board National Hispanic
Recognition and College Board National Rural and Small-Town Recognition.

In his time at the Tutoring Club, Jorge noticed a few improvements that needed to be made. The
club had become less of a location for learning and students struggled to benefit from their
tutors. Jorge made it his goal to change the culture of the club into something positive and
beneficial. He became the president in his second year in the club and selected new club
members who would inspire and teach other students. The club has become an environment
dedicated to learning.

Although Jorge will leave the Tutoring Club at the end of his senior year, he believes there is one
main lesson that will stay with him when he graduates. Jorge states that the club “reassured me
of my abilities to lead a group of people to do great things.”

Hannah is ninth in her class at Sanger High School with a GPA of 4.375. She intends to study
marine biology and remains undecided on which university she would like to attend. She has
applied to eight locations and has received acceptance letters from three while the remaining five
are still pending. Hannah was awarded the Foundation’s $1,000 student scholarship.

She has been a member of Future Farmers of America and CSF for four years. Hannah spent
time with the HOPE Sanger Club, Interact Club, and volleyball team. She was awarded Scholar
Athlete for three years. She earned second place in the California Water Issues sectional
competition, third place in the California Water Issues regional competition, and seventh place in
the California Water Issues state competition.

Hannah spent much of her time volunteering with the HOPE Sanger Club and Interact Club by
helping during holiday donation drives and events. She believes she found a strong connection to
the community by working directly with them through her volunteer efforts. Witnessing the daily
struggles of other people, and finding ways to alleviate some burdens, was both humbling and
joyful. Giving back to the community by making small differences has made an impact on
Hannah’s life.

In thinking of the events where she volunteered, she says, “The events have shown how beautiful
life is in a small town like ours.”

Mailee is a student at Sanger West High School where she holds a GPA of 3.771. She will be
studying business and political science at one of the fifteen California campuses where she
applied. Some of those locations include California State University, Fresno and California State
University, Los Angeles. Mailee was awarded the Foundation’s $1,000 student scholarship.
During her last four years, Mailee has been involved in track and field, drama, and flag running.
She joined CSF and Asian Club and founded the Green Team.

Mailee experienced a heartbreaking loss during her time as a student. The passing of her
grandmother, who had been a significant part of her life, was difficult for Mailee to process. She
thought deeply of her grandmother as she mourned the loss and came to the powerful realization
that her grandmother would have wanted Mailee to keep fighting for her dreams. Mailee created
the Green Team. This club would focus on cleaning trash across the community to inspire
positive changes in the world around the students. Mailee recruited over 275 people and the club
partners with Beautify Fresno for large cleanup events.

“With the values I hold, I would like to continue to be able to motivate others, help out anyone in
need, and truly find who I am,” says Mailee.

2019-20 Excellent in Education Awardees

The Foundation allocates $6,000 annually for this effort. Funding request maybe programmatic, enhanced training opportunities, and pilot projects that are designed to enhance overall student learning A total of three, $2,000 grants are awarded annually.

Sanger Academy 
Program: Cut Your Demo in The Bears Studio!
Students Served: 630
Amount Awarded: $2,000

This grant will fund a recording studio to allow students to record their guitar, band and choir music, and also create original musical content and possibly work with a group to record and produce their own podcast. This will be showcased weekly throughout the school Podcast YouTube Channel.

Del Rey Elementary
Program: Knights are Family

Students Served: 260
Amount Awarded: $2,000

This grant will be used to purchase Lego sets and supplies for a Family Lego Event, the goal to give students and families time to spend working together toward a common goal. These types of activities have been shown to give students a better chance for overall success in school.

Wilson Elementary
Program: Wilson Community Science Workshop

Students Served: 140
Amount Awarded: $2,000

Selected classes will rotate through the workshop in the library with support from the SAM Academy Staff and will be guided to design and build projects allowing them to develop age appropriate skills and to work with a wide range of materials and tools. Each project is designed to help with the sense-making of STEM concepts and careers.

2024-2025 School Site Grant Awardees

The Foundation for Sangers Schools in partnership with the School District has awarded a record $17,385.00 to help support nine school sites with various educational projects.

Centerville Dual Language Academy
Principal:  Liliana Gomez
Applicant: Liliana Gomez
Program: Student Leadership Charger Notes
Amount:  $2,000.00

Del Rey Elementary
Principal:  Nicolas Ibarra
Applicant: Traci Tucker
Program:  Entrepreneurship – A Key to Our Future
Amount: $2,000.00

Hallmark Academny
Principal:  Kim Labosky
Applicant: Susana Villa
Program:  The Future is Bright
Amount: $2,000.00

Jackson Elementary
Principal:  Michelle Carr
Applicant: Janell Miller
Program:  Bringing Engineering & Computer Science to all K-6th graders
Amount: $1,400.00

Jefferson Elementary
Principal:  Sokunveary Siv
Applicant: Sokunveary Siv
Program:  Literacy Equity by using the Science of Reading, Research, and Practices
Amount: $1,994.95

Lincoln Elementary
Principal:  Holly Willet
Applicant: Tia Weemes
Program:  Kindess Crew
Amount: $2,000.00

Quail Lake
Principal:  Haley Marquez
Applicant: Heather Bridger
Program:  Healthy Kids Garden Cooking
Amount: $2,000.00

Sanger West High
Principal:  Samuel Polanco
Applicant: Mariah Araujo
Program:  The Honeycomb Food Pantry
Amount: $2,000.00

Sequoia Elementary
Principal:  Ryan Osier
Applicant: Stephanie Avina
Program:  Westies
Amount: $2,000.00

2020-21 Community Service Grant Awardees

The Foundation for Sanger Schools has allocated $4,000 for school sites and departments to utilize these funds for a host of service projects that will make a difference in our community. The Foundation encourages projects that make a direct impact within the boundaries of Sanger Unified School Districts. Projects could include, but are not limited to: tree planting, park, neighborhood or even individual yard clean up, window cleaning, painting projects, serving the homeless, creating care packages for those less fortunate, and much more.

Jefferson Elementary
Principal:  Soki Siv
Program: “Growing” Our Education

Creation of community school garden to grow flowers, herbs, fruits, vegetables, and succulents. Garden will be used to teach lessons on match, science, sustainability, and community of caring values. Majority of supplies planned to be purchased from local businesses, and products would be donated or sold back to the community.

Sanger High School
Principal:  Kirstin Coronado
Program: Civic Education Projects

Develop Civil Service Projects to encourage students to explore ways they can participate in their communities and affect enduring positive change. Each class section debates and chooses one challenge in the community and together determine course of action, the goal for them and to develop an action plan that will continue to affect positive change even after their project is completed.

2024-2025 Classroom Grant Awardees

The Foundation for Sangers Schools in partnership with the School District awarded a record $15,471.00 to help 26 teachers with viable classroom projects.

Centerville Dual Language Academy
Teacher:  Genesis Lopez
Program: Universal Design for Learning
Amount: $750 

Centerville Dual Language Academy
Teacher:  Valeria Luizinho
Program: Phonics Through Play
Amount: $750 

Centerville Dual Language Academy
Teacher:  Leslie Recinos
Program: Reading Skill Development
Amount: $750

Center for Behavior Education
Teacher:  Yesuly Pereschica
Program: Cooperative Learning
Amount: $750

Jefferson Elementary
Teacher:  Tabitha Lopez
Program: Art Innovations
Amount: $750

Jefferson Elementary
Teacher:  Audrey Perez Montes
Program: Lego Steam Kits
Amount: $686.40

John Wash Elementary
Teacher:  Mao Her
Program: Growing With a Garden
Amount: $750

John Wash Elementary
Teacher:  Emily Pierce
Program: The Ultimate Speech Experience
Amount: $310

Lincoln Elementary
Teacher:  Hannah Johnson
Program: Readers Make Learners
Amount: $750

Lincoln Elementary
Teacher:  Bladimir Sanchez
Program: Visuals for SPED
Amount: $600

Lone Star Elementary
Teacher:  Janna Her
Program: Speech Room Equipment
Amount: $750

Lone Star Elementary
Teacher:  Arshpreet Sandhu
Program: Super Readers
Amount: $750

Madison Elementary
Teacher:  Jessica Dillon
Program: Interactive Speech Therapy
Amount: $750

Madison Elementary
Teacher:  Harman Gill
Program: Students Living in Poverty
Amount: $750

Sanger Academy
Teacher:  Jennifer Gates
Program: Bringing History Day to the Next Level!
Amount: $713.42

Sanger Academy
Teacher:  Silvia Fernandez Torres
Program: K-3 STEAM Club
Amount: $750

Sanger High
Teacher:  Bonnie Gonzalez
Program: Cultivating Artists Through a Broadway Fresno Experience
Amount: $750

Sanger High
Teacher:  April Schnars
Program: Speech Instruction Digital Monitor
Amount: $722.13

Sanger West
Teacher:  Joshua Morales
Program: “Westies” Big Brother/Big Sister Program
Amount: $500

Sanger West
Teacher:  Jessica Winkler
Program: SDC Hornet Hive
Amount: $700

Sequoia Elementary
Teacher:  Ryan Demler
Program: Gentlemen’s Alliance Program
Amount: $740

Washington Academics
Teacher:  Kristi Torres
Program: Yearbook Cameras
Amount: $750